My debut on the MUSUBI channel

Well, I'm not very active on the blog since I put my site online and I admit that with the pandemic my photographic activity has been more than slowed down, so I have a lot less to share...

No inspiration, everyone masked, way less interaction with the people we can meet by coincidence, which is a big problem for me in my photography, I don't know if all the photographers in Japan live or have lived the same thing, but honestly it sucks!

Fortunately, I have a lot of talented friends around me, which keeps me motivated, and among them is the friend Angelo Di Genova who already shared with you a lot of information to understand a little bit better this complex country that is Japan on his website Horizons du Japon, he launched in 2021 the project to continue to share his knowledge about Japan with you, but this time in video through a project that he cleverly named MUSUBI

Why this strange name well... uh... in fact... it's quite simple, Musubi in Japanese it's a knot which tightens so to tie... here you go have a good day and see you soon on Musubi.

In fact, the name Musubi comes from the idea of this knot which would serve here to tie the cultures between Japan and the French speaking world.

So why do I tell you about MUSUBI, well simply because I participate more or less actively, I was behind the camera and I took the sound for some videos, but most of all, I made my first video which was released on February 13, 2022 in which I tell you about 3 japanese synthesizers which changed the world of electronic music and whose importance is often overlooked. Sorry for my English speaking friends, but the video is in French and I hope that the automatic subtitles of YouTube do the job.

It was a big challenge for me as I don't know much about video production, I had to learn how to write a script, edit a video, compose music, etc...

It's a sick job in reality and it was really interesting to do, I will return from time to time on MUSUBI to propose videos a little different in the hope that you will appreciate.

Do not hesitate to follow MUSUBI on the net, we prepare you a lot of interesting things!

And as usual I talk about it almost 2 months after releasing the video, it appears that we should not change a winning team...

Take care of yourself



My perception of Osaka for Sigma